
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas, my friends!
This is our fall-open-pre-lit-skinny-tree with a few decorations on it.

Poodles, cows and betty boop. I collect ornaments from everywhere we go, and love little ornaments most of all. I have a few friends who keep a tree up all year long with seasonal ornaments on it, and I think that is genius. What a way to display whimsical collections. I have two trees worth of ornaments in the basement with the big tree but our house is so small...

Cole's perch is right next to the tree and I often wonder what he thinks about the whole decoration-concept.
"if you put this here for me, it doesn't smell remotely like venison and none of those toys even squeak"
"if you think I'm dyeing my hair pink and jumping voluntarily into a bubble bath, you're crazier than I thought"
"I can hardly SEE the TV now"

I grew up with a real tree, big lights and tinsel shimmering all over it. Then in the late 60's we went to a silver foil fake tree with a tri-color wheel light that turned the living room into a disco. When I struck out on my own I had a real tree with tiny twinkling white lights and crafted ornaments. We realized a few years ago we all had an allergy to fresh cut trees, so have tried several faux ones.
Life moves along doesn't it?? What kind of tree do you have??


  1. Ours is faux - green plastic - but that's an economic decision. (Have you priced real trees lately?) We're retired, so the plastic works for us. This year, because we are trying to sell our house, we have not put ornaments on the tree, and because we both have the flu and just can't get up the energy for all that.
    I love a real tree, but I hate to think that one was cut down for just the two weeks of my pleasure. So plastic it is.
    Hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas at your house.

  2. Ours is faux, but a pretty decent one. It came prelit and ... ta da .. it has pine cones(they are plastic too)! We have a collection of ornaments and they don't all fit on this smaller tree. We have a mixture of a few really nice ones, but many hand made, thoroughly loved ornaments. There's the Kindergarten made pine cone Santa. He's about 34 years old. And there's the pig angel, another school art class project. And this year, once again I pulled out the origami crane. It was the Christmas of the Gulf War, 1983. I remember folding them, hand writing "Peace '83", and putting them in every Christmas card. I WISH that was the last war. As you said, though, life moves along and history shows up on our Christmas tree. Have a peaceful holiday and a Happy New year. I'm glad 2013 was the year of the plane-mate ... hmmmm ... I see a new ornament for next year! Pat

  3. I love your poodle ornaments! If I had a tree, I would have to collect pug ornaments. Merry Christmas!

    Nancy from PugMom Quilts!

  4. Hi LeeAnna!
    There is quite the selection of trees out there! How does one choose!
    Ornaments are a lovely way to remember trips and visits!
    I have a series of ormanemts that my Mom has cross stitched over the years, pinned/hanging on a framed piece of wood that is always on display in my hobby room! Always in sight! She doesn't cross stich anymore due to her sore hands and wrists. So this really is a treasure to have!
    Enjoy the Christmas days toghether!
    Take care,

  5. we have a 3 piece tree that you put together that already has lights on it and pine-cones and berry's - it has kind of artificial snow on it too which creates a mess every year we put it up. We have had it for 3 years now and we are thinking of tossing it - one area the lights didn't work this year and we had to put a strand of lights on it to cover up that spot - and we are tired of the mess already after 3 years. Years ago we would go out to the woods and cut our own when we lived in the north - here in the south that doesn't always work out good I have found - if it gets really warmer than normal you might find you have spiders and other bugs coming off of it! Happened a couple times to my mom
