
Friday, November 29, 2013

Visit to a Craft show

We three visited the big Sugarloaf Craft Show last weekend. It's one of the few around here that do not discriminate against dogs, and Cole loves to go with us. He has always been a shopper. He looks at all shelves, he visits with people who (obviously) came there to see him. He is right there next to us when we test the maple syrup and cheeses. The show is held at the Fairgrounds so the smells must be fantastic to a poodle's nose, evidenced by his near constant sniffing.

These mugs are our first purchase of the day.
We love Michael Natale's mugs and already have two. We do NOT need another coffee mug, but the grace and colors are too hard to resist.  When it was time for a rest, the husband and poodle tried out the rockers. As soon as the two of them got, er, off their rockers, we moved on...
to purchase a dress done with bleach discharge. I tried it on right there in front of God and everybody, and it looked so cool, three other women bought one like it. Drew bought two pair of alpaca wool socks, and Cole dithered over another dog bowl
These were so cute but he decided to spend his allowance at the gourmet dog treat store, BARK!, coming later in the evening.
There was a lot of jewelry shopping going on, the kind where a dog can't even SEE the merchandise, but eventually we stopped in to visit with a photographer extraordinaire, Bruce Bozman from NY. 

We enjoyed a wonderful few minutes interviewing him and learning about his process.
 His work is colorful, abstract, visually textured and very Quilt-like to me. High praise!
The idea came to him when he saw dripping against the hull of a boat, with the sun just right. Ahh, living the creative life. Cole got some serious petting, and caught a few zzzzzz's while we chatted.
We bought some roasted chestnuts to fortify us all, enjoying the warmth on a cold day.
This is a fabric artist going by the name Seeing in Fabric, Jamie Langhoff. I had a great time talking to her about her creative process too.Unlike me, she keeps it neat in the studio or she can't work. Like me, she must keep control of  unlimited ideas coming to her all the time, enough to sit down and actually make them! We also both agree that dealing with computers is a pain, even though she is a young thing. It's not a short-coming. It's just who we are. From what I could see, she works with basic sewing supplies and machine, and turns out works of art.

It was somewhere about 4:30 that the check poodle light came on and a nap was called for. No argument from Drew who had been hauling around our purchases, the dog, and me. I looked at more jewelry while this was going on. Last stop for ToffeHouse yummy toffee drizzled with chocolate and nuts. What a worthwhile indulgence.

 As night approached, we moved on to... listen to the angels singing....mecca. The Container Store.
When we get that close to Rockville, we have to go by TCS. As all crafters know, we could be brilliantly organized if only we had the right plastic containers.
 Then on to BARK! for venison treats for Cole, picked up dinner to go and dragged our selves home.

I am so glad Drew enjoys or at least tolerates my love of craft shows, and the artist interviews I do. It's all part of the package.


  1. Of course I have to have a proud moment and say that Cole is wearing SUCH a stylish necktie in the first picture. :) (wink wink)

  2. Craft Shows! What fun! And Cole can tag along!
    Enjoy a warm beverage from you new mug! Love hand made pottery!
    Take care,

  3. I sent you an email a few days ago that you had won the Blog Hop drawing on my blog,, for membership at The Quilt Show. Please get in touch with me about it.

  4. Hi Lee Anna!

    Thank you so much for mentioning me on your blog. I really like your positive and encouraging vision. You send an amazing message out into the world. I am so glad to have met you at Sugar Loaf. Hope our paths will meet again in the future!

    Best wishes for a wonderful and peaceful holiday season!

  5. sent by Bruce Bozman:
    Thanks LeeAnna!
    What a nice surprise!
    Glad you enjoyed my art.

    Bruce (and Joannie) Bozman

  6. "Check poodle light"! Good golly must you be so funny, creative, and honest?
    Yes, you must. And we love you for it!
