
Friday, September 20, 2013

Showing at PNQE 2013

Tequila Sunrise (c) LAPaylor 2013

I got a chance to visit the Pennsylvania Nat'l Quilt Extravaganza on Thursday to see two of my wall quilts on exhibit. It was good to show them again and fun to see some of the World Quilt and Textile quilts.

Like Nora Ephron said in her book, "I feel bad about my neck", I feel bad about my allergy face here, but that's the way it was yesterday. My neighbors unknowingly but frequently, torment me with allergens. The latest assault came when they took down an enormous oak and the cut remains are all over our connecting back yards, putting out oak odors that leave me with headaches. Wish the tree people had taken it away...

Those of you with sensitivities to chemicals will get it... I need a rolling hamster ball to live in, rolling safely around til I land in a safe environment.

I did visit the vendors, just to be supportive you know, and managed to find a few items to purchase. One of the most exciting was a thread holder that is heavier than the flimsy piece of junk one I've been using. It can hold a cone, as well as place the thread in vertical or horizontal positions. My Bernina only lets me place spools vertically which works with cross-wound spools. A few days ago I needed to use colorful language while sewing with a common mylar thread that is stack wound.
 I teach a bratty threads class  CLICK HERE  comparing thread types, needles to use, settings and adjustments needed and more,  and still wanted to have a thread-bonfire that day. Hopefully this holder will work and not fall over. There are other mylar threads that I love by the way, Madeira, Yli and Superior all make a glittering asst of the flat reflective wonders, I was just trying to use up some "Trouble-On-A-Spool"

Last stop was a good party at Steve's  (

11706HelloKitty.jpg  My MIL teaches there, and I used to teach there. It is a fabulous store  worth a visit especially after the show as they have sales, demos and dinner for visitors. Of course I left with some of their fabric. I wanted to leave with the Janome hello kitty. So cute.

All in all a fun day spent with quilters and planning the next quilt.


  1. I love seeing my quilts in a show, great that you were able attend and have a photo op with your lovely piece!

  2. Your quilt looks wonderful against that black backdrop and I like the way your outfit matches! Did you plan it that way? Good luck with your allergies.

  3. Great quilt! Congratulations on having it in a show, to bad you didn't feel better but glad you made it to the vendors booth. After all if word got out that you went to a quilt show and did not go to any vendors or purchase anything ............ Well chaos and disorder in the universe :-)

  4. Your quilt looks very nice in the show and your outfit compliment it nicely. I have to agree... I love the Hello Kitty Janome sewing machine, it's hard to resist.

  5. It's a lovely piece - but I did white-gloving at the show on Sunday and heard more compliments and giggles about your bikini lady :) I think those end /cross locations aren't noticed as much.

    And I think there was something at the show that was triggering allergies, especially in the vendor area. I came home with a killer headache from it.

  6. Is that your Hoffman Challenge piece? I'm still wondering why it didn't at least get to travel, other than the fact that the judges must prefer much more traditional work.
