
Friday, September 13, 2013

Polynesian Poodle

 The is my interpretation of Gauguin's work for our STAT project. This is a group of fiber artists studying the masters but in our medium, fabric, with an emphasis on texture. We previously studied Picasso and Klee. See my other pieces under the label "my art"
detail Polynesian Poodle
I made pintucks by hand with the mountain fabric, free form curve pieced the background elements including the embossed beach felt, then appliqued a woman. Shading is done with prismcolor pencils and threadwork. The skirt is cut from an upholstry sample and a scrap of cotton, with beads hand sewn for highlights. The poodle is quilted in blue rayon thread for sheen. Her hair is felt.

sketch Polynesian Poodle

When I approach this project, I do some research on the artist, google their art and quotes, info about their life and times. This time I watched a movie about Gauguin and a video on how to paint like him. I checked out library books on his art and life. It was a challenge to relate to his colors and content. Being drawn to the female figure, I finally got excited about the project when I sketched out the woman holding a poodle instead of a platter.

I'm glad to see the back of this project, but love the finished piece so once again, it's good to stretch yourself.

What are you doing to stretch yourself in art? I'd love to hear from you!
For more STAT projects SEE THESE