
Friday, September 6, 2013

Cole loves Fall

Cole loves Fall (c) LAPaylor 2003
 This is a piece I made when Cole was a baby. He LOVED to grab a twig with dried leaves on it while on our walk and just shake it. It rattled and must have been very satisfying to a puppy as I swear he grinned.
I make story quilts, from my real life stories. There is one going on every day in my head. I see quilt-making opportunities throughout the day. I see pattern and color and think, how can I interpret that??
check out those teeth!
I painted the leaves then appliqued them to the quilt with metallic threads.
It was a  love affair from first sight of metallic threads. Shiny-sparkly you know.
Cole was just free form cut without a line drawing, as that's the kind of designer I usually am.

I love the little yarn couched around the four different borders as it picks up the colors and adds texture. 

 The teeth are 3-d and raw edged, just like in REAL life, ha!   Poodle teeth are no joke y'all

 It's a bit sad now that Cole is 11 and a grown-dog as he seldom shakes a twig. It did happen last year, and it was like he looked at me saying, remember when I used to do this? Oh I remember my sweet...
LeeAnna who also loves Fall


  1. I just love it! What a fun quilt! Now I'm in the mood to make a Fall/Halloween Bulldog quilt.... thanks for the motivation!

  2. no problem! Hope to see it, I can just see a bulldog in a tutu

  3. I think you have captured the essence of him having fun. A super little quilt!

  4. Thanks Norma, I see his glee when I look at it!

  5. What a great quilt! I love the tongue lagging out and can just imagine him smiling with glee. To bad they couldn't stay puppies forever - give Cole a hug for me:-)

  6. Very joyful quilt. A lovely tribute to your poodle

  7. I love the puppy joy you've conveyed in this piece!!

  8. Wow, I haven't tried painting fabric like your leaves yet, but you make me want to give it a go!
