
Friday, August 2, 2013

finished and ready to send

Finished and ready to send, the quilt for my niece.
She loves a garden, and I wanted to make something for her. She doesn't quilt but appreciates them.

Why is it so hard to give up a quilt? Even when I make one to give away, I still want to keep it.
This is made from Cheryl Philips's pattern for folded insert mariner's compasses. The points are made from folded rectangles opened up after catching them in the seams of the wedges. Easy but like everything there are tricks to getting a good point.
I must learn to let go...



  1. I've been looking at this technique, thinking to give it a try. :)

    Very pretty results. Maybe you should call your blog Afraid To Let Go?

    :) Linda (hugs!)

  2. ha!
    The technique is fun, but be careful with pressing, slightly pull the point and press into it.
    afraid to let go....
