
Friday, July 12, 2013

Two half- baked quilts, a couple and a poodle to show

gift for my niece

This quilt is almost done, just needs quilting in the petals and binding.

check out that crow!

The hoffman, cue scary music, (dum,dum, duuuuuummmmm)
Hoffman Challenge 2013 --it's still not done!! Yikes!

look at the sky fabric...
 The Hoffman is still not done... I am slap out of time folks. Now I'm re thinking the sky fabric. I mean to tell you nothing looks right with this.
I might just go with it. The patio needs quilting also, and I have no idea what to put in there.

Any suggestions for the tardy quilter?
Also don't have a name yet.

Audrey 2?

  I was startled awake this morning when the CHECK-POODLE light came on at 5 AM.
That's right. AM. Apparently we were unaware there was thunder.

 He rectified that, and pestered us til we took him into bed with us, a place he doesn't normally enjoy, and he became catatonic. With his paw in my face.
 We tried to go back to sleep but his energy field kept us awake, so we just got up.

We are NOT morning people.

Here is a picture from two nights ago, when it was only 90% humidity but not raining. Cole adores Mr. Mike and Haley. Mike  does what every human should, and mills around the yard and garden with his dog. That along with the cigar smoking and rum drinks, and basic good pet energy makes Mr Mike very special to Cole.
Cole has more friends than we do
Celebrating Ann's birthday party
Drew and I went to our friend Ann's birthday party last night.
She told a story about her MIL collapsing on the sofa after a day of gardening, and saying, Whew! Wish I was 80 again!

Ann is an art quilter, and a good friend. She has traveled widely, speaks Chinese, curates a yearly quilt exhibition, regularly wins ribbons for her art quilts, has donated a large number of  quilts to the Alzheimer auction, makes me laugh, makes me think and makes me feel connected.

Lucky me to count her as a friend.

Now I must return to quilting and link this post to Off The Wall Fridays.
Go make something cool.


  1. Love, Love,Love both quilts! That innocent crow just cracks me up ....way too cute!
    Mike and Coles bond is a true friendship, I really think it has something to do with the cigar aroma.
    Keep going with the Hoffman Challenge quilt, you are doing an awesome job!

  2. yep, that background is too pastel to go with your strong colors.

  3. Oh, that challenge quilt is very exciting--love all the spikes in it and the flying geese. And of course, the wild colors are so pleasing; they make it dance.
    best from Tunisia,

  4. I understand the name of your blog. I love your colors and work. For me amazing!

  5. Nothing like a little pressure to get you making those last minute design decisions. As the queen of making close deadlines (my closest was 45 min - OMG - that was a little too tight even for me!) - I say good luck and don't get the pressure you get you down! You can do it!
