
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Invitational Quilter

This weekend at the Annapolis Quilt Show, one will find me sharing my art as the invitational quilter in the entry hall. I am enjoying the connections with other artists and would-be artists. Oh the stories I've heard, the jokes shared, the lovely comments on my work... perfect!  It's just these kinds of moments, the real connection between two people that make my heart sing. I must seek out these moments each day.

A very enjoyable activity turned out to be one of the creativity exercises I do in my lecture. I had more time to really get into the process at the show and get to know people. I'm sharing this picture I'm the one vibrating in orange. I look overly serious here but you get the idea... til next time... keep making stuff.


  1. I wish I'd known ahead of time :( I dithered about going to that show and wound up missing it.

  2. oh you never know about shows do you? This one was really good. We also had the Hoffman challenge, and other special exhibits. My booth was always active which was encouraging to an art quilter.

  3. Ho much fun for you!!! Thanks for sharing!
