

Keep checking back as I'll add to the list as I think of things... just remember PLAY

**Creativity and Endorphins  Create for your health  read this short article on benefits **

sometimes life gets in the way of being creative but sometimes being creative helps us deal with life.  --LAPaylor

Fearless Creating by Eric Maisel
Creative is a verb  by P. Digh
The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp 

 I have a fun lecture called "Where did you get that idea?" and I share many many tips on living a more creative life, and how to come up with ideas. I won't share them all here, but as a tip of the iceberg...

> Stuck on a project?  put it on the wall, leave the room, and when you come back in see it with fresh eyes. Take a walk. Write down what you wanted from it and what's wrong, and an answer will come. Put it in WIP file until a new idea, a new fabric, a new technique is learned, something changes to give you answers. 
>Cut out pictures you love disregarding content, just for color, or scale, or pattern and put on a black paper. 
>interpret a poem, or artist, or music, feeling, something that holds meaning for you will make art personal 
>sketch a rough idea of the elements you want to include. I keep rough sketches in an unused old calendar, so I see pretty images on one side and my ideas on the other. Re-use points. 


brainpickings this is a fabulous website with other artists giving hints on how to break through creative blocks
365 make something get unstuck  this guy prompts you to make something each day, wrote a book about it Noah Scalin
creative something   great site for inspiration

About Creativity from Ira Glass, watch the video

how an idea becomes art on Robert Genn's site 
Ted talk by Tim Brown on the value of play in Creativity
This Ted video is valuable when considering your approach to creativity click here!
check out my label living the creative life on the sidenbar 
creativity roadblocks-15-ways-to-beat-it-  Steph has compiled links to resources and ideas for moving ahead when you feel blocked

Comments from other people-

PS: "I said, other people can write songs, let's see if I can. So the first 400 or 500 wound up on the floor somewhere. Then I wrote one called Melissa. (Gregg Allman)

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