
Saturday, October 23, 2021

sewing saturday

welcome to this week's sewing round up! Lots of finishing going on this week and some RSC lime green scraps used too. The picture above is the Purple Mountains finish.. 

I'll show some close ups while telling you about it. I started it a few months ago and got inspired to quilt and finish it this week. Lots of metallic sparkling threads, free motion quilting and some flowers...

I combined two fabrics for the binding, sewing the one color along the bottom, a special batik with green and purple on lime... love it... and leaving long tails to join the blue done on the top, later with diagonal seams.

I came up with a way to do speedy improv flying geese with this quilt... should I do a tutorial? 

I'm showing closeups so you can point and say, "I have that fabric!" like I do when I see your scrap quilts, lol

look at the flower scrap... love that, and the little free motion flowers. When approaching something like this I started with strips of geese, then decided how I wanted them in the composition, and filled in with free form curves. 

Color and line are equally important, as well as pressing after each seam

i like that the little low contrast mountain top showed up...

I learned a few things with this...
there are many paths up a mountain... choose one and commit to it. 
more is better 
make the geese stand out with color changes
consider lines when adding in scraps
opposites on the color wheel are dynamic, purple and green
don't sweat the small stuff... keep sewing... straighten it up now and then

now on to the RSC lime project for this week... some blocks done last year, the hand sewn star blocks, and the improv log cabins... what fun to combine them!

first I sort of figured out how many were sort of the same size, then started moving them around the stars... I did this with two other colors so far, and have sections done. I know this puzzle making process now!! I started sewing one block to another, then seeing what fit to that, adding in when needed, cutting off when less is needed... 
thanks Deb for the star pattern!!!!(

I'd estimate about half of these are sewn together now... while I've been listening to the book on audio in my studio space. 

Do you do chores in between sewing sessions? our washer is upstairs next to the studio so I do laundry, I stop for walks, have lunch with dh, come down the wicked stairs for water refills to keep moving, go out to throw the ball for Milo 

There's a cool show on Prime called making the cut... with Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum about designing clothing, I've really been enjoying the second season on now. 

 did you know you can watch Marianne Fons show on youtube? I really enjoyed watching how McKenna Ryan does her fusible applique technique here...

 so that's about it for now... leave a comment to say Hi...

Linking to

myquiltinfatuation Thursdays

off the wall Fridays
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays 

finished or not


design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays 


  1. Oh my goodness - your mountain piece is a WORK OF ART!! It's beautiful. The little flying geese are so delightful in the overall design. I love the colors but really see the mountains and paths, etc. Wonderful job! And now mixing those green blocks - wish I had a better eye for improv sewing like you do!

  2. So beautiful.

  3. You are so creative and talented!

  4. Both of your quilt projects are very cool - I'm a little delighted to see those flying geese enjoying the mountain scene :-)

  5. Just love both your projects. I would definitely vote for a tutorial for the flying geese.

    1. Okay I'd love to do a tutorial. I'll have to get dh to do the taping maybe to get better angles or try to set up a tripod to catch the machine work. It's been such a long time since I got to go to guilds and teach.

  6. Congrats on finishing up your pretty Purple Mountain quilt, LeeAnna, and I absolutely LOVE what you've done with those Light/Bright GREEN blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!!

  7. Your mountain quilt is stunning, so much to look at, so many little details! I especially love the flying geese! And your RSC - combining the log cabins & star blocks makes for a very dynamic look!

  8. I love your purple mountains and the lessons learned as you go through them. It is hard to believe how much we do in between sewing - and why retreats seem so productive - no interruptions (good or bad)! I will have to look up the new Tim Gunn show.

  9. Amazing purple mountains! It's got me singing America the Beautiful. And combining the stars with the log cabins is genius. Can't wait for the flying geese tutorial.

  10. I would love to try those improv flying geese - a tutorial would be great! I always like the way yours flow. This is a beautiful piece, LeeAnna!

  11. Purple and green . . .one of my favorite color combinations!!! I also like them separate so what a great post to have BOTH!! Love the geese and the improve log cabins with the stars are TERRIFIC!

  12. Your quilt is gorgeous. I am always amazed by your artistic talent.

  13. How delightful that you finished your lovely quilt this past week. So much joy to keep that momentum going until you reach your beautiful result.
    I didn't know about those youtube videos. I'll have to look more carefully.

  14. Your work is beautiful! Your talent shines through every single one of your projects.

  15. What a beautiful quilt you have there!

  16. Late to the party! But “ yes” for a tutorial! Your Purple Mountain is majestic! Really beautiful! Improv is a whole new ballgame, but oh so fun! You’re the best!

  17. You do such unexpected things that make your projects special. I really like how you step out of the box and create something that is unique and interesting.

  18. Your purple mountain quilt is majestic. I love all the little twists and turns and sparkles and surprises that greet the eye. Your lime scrap blocks are looking interesting, too. Our washer is downstairs so I am not tempted to do an easy load while taking quilt and stitch breaks. I do neat up the living areas and kitchen and put the laundry away. I have been watching Making the Cut since last year and was waiting for season two and binged it right away. Season Two was a less adventurous one due to Covid. No spoilers from me. Enjoy. Thanks for linking up this week ... :) Pat

  19. It is like a modern day crazy quilt. Purple mountain majesty. Great!

  20. Loving your color choices--don't you wish metallic thread photographed better? It's never quite as striking as it is in person. Gorgeous quilts--looking forward to seeing your future speedy improv flying geese tutorial! :) Thanks for linking up to TGIFF.

  21. Hi Lee Anna, I love your Purple Mountains quilt and appreciate what you learned. The use of the flying geese makes it whimsical. A tutorial on making your improv flying geese would be great. If you get a chance, please consider linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. The link-up is open until Tuesday night. Take care.

  22. Love your Purple Mountains--perfection! Love seeing how others work so sharing your tutorial is definitely something you should do. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
