
Thursday, August 31, 2017

I Like Thursdays #52 books and Lakes

Welcome to this week's list of likes. The above picture is from Colorado.
More about that later but I wanted to share a few pictures of Bingham Lake at the Pinery in Parker Colorado.

I like one sign that covers the bases...
No swimming... stay off the ice!
It was late afternoon and a strong rainstorm washed the air clean, then a breeze rustled the leaves and sun glinted off the water in a big reminder of this world's beauty.

 Sun sparkling through the cattails, diamonds on the water. I would challenge the writers among us to write a story using this image as a prompt.

I saw birds I've never seen before, like medium sized loud birds wearing tuxedos.
I loved the sky after the rain, in late afternoon. The mountains showed up and surprised us! They had been lost in the haze people said came from smoke in the NW. Look at this sky!

Like a wee miracle! We stood silently, reached for each other's hands, and enjoyed the quiet. I made a little 2 min video like the ones the Sunday Morning show used to do of nature... enjoy it here
I sure hope you are able to hear the wind rustling through the leaves... the shhhhhhhh was incredibly peaceful. I love to hear dancing leaves brushing against each other.

I like my estate agent here... she says what all the people have been saying to me... I want this to be a good experience for you. Then reminds me to relax. The vet tech said the same thing, the hotel clerks also said that. The universe is trying to send a message.

At breakfast in Kansas one day, a couple shared our table and we had a great conversation. They were there because a deer ran into their car so the deer was killed and so was their car. They were on I-70 doing 75 mph and lived to tell the story. The wife told me to remember life will unfold as it should so let go.

I love books...

I am still reading this book. I am taking time to really think about each chapter as I read...

 I live with so many fears. I loved what she wrote about fears, patience, acceptance.

Fears... we all have them. Fear is the base of anger. Fears underlie anger in every circumstance.

We all deal with things, overcome (or not) obstacles, and can learn from each other. I am learning from this book.

I was asked this question by a writer:   
What books would go on your bookshelf of life?

 Which 10 books would you want always to keep? Have changed you? Made such an impact you might return to them.

I think the Four Agreements would go on mine. Anything by Dr. Brian Weiss.
Rosamund Pilcher and Diana Gabaldon, Sara Dunnant and Rhys Bowen would have to be represented. I don't have a definitive list but it's a great question isn't it?

I like being read to...
I take a lot of books on disc, and on the ipad along in the car.

I'm starting to enjoy reading on the kindle app.

I love words.
I hope in the new state, in the new home, to have an area in which to thrive as a writer. I want that energy so that I can continue to learn about using words.

The more empty bookshelves in the office will accept these I found around the first floor, still wanting to be read. We'll take many books with us despite their weight.
Books have so much value to us. We use the library but there are some books one wants to keep.

 I like: finding a perfect color for border of painted quilt
Play Create Imagine
bonus I  Like: Studio Poodles
 Milo here with my list,
I like traveling in my car nest, with my people. I've had many adventures and will share them later but for now, believe it or not, I Like Cats!

Editors note:
Milo needed his sutures removed  so we visited a vet who has two office cats.
Parker Center animal clinic

 Milo has never met a cat. I waited for the explosion and nothing. He sniffed it's back end... the cat strutted by ignoring him totally, so Milo  followed him. Round and round the clinic. I got some tranquilizers for the crazy boy moments to keep him quieter.

Lead and the world will follow you.

 For once no barks!

He has stopped growing since the surgery. He had been growing 3 lbs a week and getting taller. The vet said he may be on a plateau, and if he doesn't grow as tall as he might have, it's better on his joints anyway. (wah)  

Please enjoy this group of people who are also keeping count of the things they liked this week
6, craftscaviescontras


linking to some parties including
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
http://sky watch Fridays
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays
pet parade Fridays  

Monday, August 28, 2017

Milo's Milestones ...Rainy days

Milo here... I am very big now. I'm 5 months and two weeks old.
(note, this post was written before hurricane it Texas... forgive insensitivity speaking of rain!)
I have all my big boy teeth, my mouth feels crowded! I decided to go ahead and grow fast, lots to do, we're on the move around here!
It's another rainy day here, look at the deck reflections. Why, I can almost see the squirrels in the trees in the reflection!! (pesky squirrels)
Anyway, when you gets your big dog teeth you need to use them. I keep mine clean while I enjoy a benebone. Get comfy, pick up your benebone and start.
yum yum nom nom... Mama! Why don't you put down that camera and pick up a good book. Or the little pieces of fabric you like to play with, and let me have my morning time...
Really... it's not big enough for two...

Friday, August 25, 2017

Neutral Stars

We are to use our neutral scraps for the Rainbow Scrap challenge this month.
My hexie star blocks are already using beige and white neutrals mixed up for center stars as well as outside the brightly colored stars.

So, I use the month to focus on the suggested color.

How about a bonus NY beauty block in neutrals? I love making these blocks especially with created fabric from scraps! 

Everyone seems to be seeing the word neutral as equal to the colors beige and white and tan.
We all know from clothing, neutral is a color that allows most other colors to shine.
Black, gray, brown can all be neutral.

If we use the word neutral to mean background to important shapes, then my favorite lime green is a very good neutral!

I have planned out some very low contrast blocks this month, just didn't get them done in time. These components will have to do...
Grey both light and charcoal
Different light colored points to go in a neutral gray background
the start of another gray and black pointed center
These are all photographed on the lid to this mesh, spring basket... the kind that can collapse, but spring into shape when released
I just love this container! It's like a magical flower. What's it holding at the present you ask???
other containers, and a heating pad! I just gave away the clothing yardage I'd had in here for years.
This little vintage  IKEA container is coming with me!

Linking to these parties among others
 scrap happy Saturdays
sewcanshe Saturdays
oh Scrap Sundays 
 slow stitching Sundays
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
Main Crush Monday
 Free motion by the River Tuesdays     
Esther's blog Wednesdays 
Let's be social Wednesdays  

myquiltinfatuation Thursdays 
off the wall Fridays  
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays   

Thursday, August 24, 2017

I Like Thursday #51

From Eliza at Forest Poodles
Welcome to this week's short list of I Likes
We're overwhelmed really. Doing our best.

So here goes
I like this bead embroidery

My friend Cindy sent the image to me. Thanks Cindy

Receiving instructions on the intricate lashing system of Milo's brace was overwhelming. Being given a list of requirements for care, a pack of meds, appts for the future, and then handed a seriously injured puppy to take home was really too much. Thankfully Drew took a video of some of the instructions. We drove home but were very frightened and stunned at the cost.
Seeing this bouquet at the front door was so comforting. Eliza sent them from Washington state, and it felt like she was standing next to me while I considered my new normal. Unending gratitude for her.

I like friends like our Neighbors Maria and Mike. They always have a smile and a greeting for us, and have proved they are friends through the hard times. I know they will never come to visit in Colorado but I wish they would

I LIke, love, the show So you think you can dance... and the song the first time ever I saw your face. Behold a LOVELY interpretation by contestants here
link to youtube is Here

I like using measuring cups with handles as ladles and scoops. I collect fun measuring cup sets, and this one shaped like bundt pans is a favorite.

 Every day tools are a source of enjoyment.

I liked this ramp for Milo, as he's gotten too large for me to pick up. He is tired of being carried too, so this ramp is on both our I Like lists. It was $120 bucks at Petsmart but what's another hundred after the $5000 plus already spent on this injury.
It telescopes out, and we'll use it in the car as well as the front steps. Mil first was afraid of it, but with gentle patience, and treats, and placing one foot on it and LOTS OF EXCITED PRAISE he was using it within an hour. What a relief.

Milo likes his little nest. Cole would not have voluntarily gotten into his crate for anything. Milo gets in himself with the door open, just for safety and rest. He has a nylabone, and a pillow but often wants to just lie flat. 
The pain meds knock him out for a bit, then he's up and ready to jump and run. Oh no.

I'll end with a recent picture of the sky... in reverse. It's the reflection of the sky in water!
In honor of the recent solar excitement!

5 craftscaviescontras
linking to some parties including
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
http://sky watch Fridays
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays
pet parade Fridays